
Machine Shop Services

Livernois stands apart from its competition for a number of reasons. We're uniquely qualified to work on a wide array of engines in various applications. With our extensive racing and development background we have decades of experience both winning at the track, as well as developing packages for OEM race teams and companies.

All of this experience goes into the different types of machine work that Livernois offers. Machining is a mix of science and skill, the combination of these things are essential to performing top notch work at an elite level. There are many shops out there that can "just get the job done", but Livernois is far more than just your local machine shop. Our decades of machining experience at the highest racing levels, coupled with extensive development with OEMs gives us a wealth of knowledge to work from that you just can't find anywhere else. Some shops might specialize in one engine, or engine type, but at Livernois, we specialize in every engine that we work on.

This means Ford, GM, Chrysler, Imports, Exotics, etc. We are one of the only companies that perform high end machine work across such a wide array of platforms, and our experts have the knowledge to handle just about any machining scenario, for any engine, for any application.

The central point of all the machine work that takes place on the engine block happens at the computerized block machining center.

The RMC V30 is 4-axis CNC that is capable of handling every aspect of block machine work. The block is placed on the machine and then probed to find it's existing locations. This data can then be compared to the GM factory blueprint to show just how close the block is to the blueprint. From there the block can be bored, decked and machined to exactly the factory blueprint locations +/- .0001. Factory GM blocks often measure +/- .004 from the blueprint. By utlilizing a CNC block machining center like the RMC V30 we're able to correct the factory machine work and ensure that the bores and machined surfaces are perfectly where they are supposed to be.

Livernois performs all machine work in house using a variety of different machines. The align honing of the main bores is handled with a Sunnen Align hone machine and the tolerance on the main bores is held to +/- .0001. The cylinder honing is handled on a Sunnen CV-616 automated honing machine. Cylinder honing is held to a +/- tolerance of .0001 for size, taper and out of round.

The cylinder wall finish is very important in producing an excellent ring seal as well as long ring life. The cylinder wall finish is measured using a sophisticated Mitutoyo Profilometer, which is capable of measuring the surface of the cylinder for numerous qualities such as Ra (Roughness Average), Rz, Rk, Rpk, Rvk, Mr1, Mr2. By utilizing the readings taken from the profilometer Livernois is able to create the perfect cylinder wall finish.

The LB 3000EX is built on Okuma's Thermo-Friendly Concept to ensure minimal thermal growth, and slanted box bed construction translates to unsurpassed quality and rigidity. Equipped with Okuma’s high power, high torque PREX motor, this machine delivers high quality machining from heavy to high speed cutting.

The operator-friendly, open architecture control makes this machine not only easy to operate, but also to integrate with other peripheral equipment. A wide variety of bed lengths, bore sizes and options, including live tooling, sub-spindle and Y-axis, means there is a configuration to meet any shop's requirements. 

Services Include:

Engine Component Balancing

Piston Machining

Cylinder Block Preparation

  • Milling
  • Boring
  • Honing
  • Align Honing
  • Clearancing for Stroker Crankshaft Assemblies

Cylinder Head Machining

  • Milling
  • CNC Port Machining
  • CNC Valve Seat & Guide Machining

Connecting Rod Reconditioning

Custom CNC Machining

Machining Capabilities and Specifications:

  Mori Seiki Eco 1035 Okuma MC40VA Fadal VMC 6030 Equipped with Nikken 5 Axis CNC Rotary Table Deckel Maho DMU 80T
Table Size 47.25" (1200mm) x 22.04 (560mm) 39.37" (1000mm) x 20.47" (520mm) 62.5" (1588mm) x 30.0" (762mm) 49.2" (1250mm) x 27.5" (700mm)
Job Size as large as 48" x 22" by 17" tall may be possible as large as 48" x 20" by 16" tall may be possible    
Travel X 40.7" (1035mm) 30.0" (762mm) 60.0" (1524mm) 34.6" (880mm)
Travel Y 22.0" (560mm) 16.93" (430mm) 30.0" (762mm) 24.8" (630mm)
Travel Z 20.1" (510mm) 17.22" (450mm) 30.0" (762mm) 24.8" (630mm)
Max. Spindle RPM 12000 6000 10000 12000

Measurement Equipment:

Romer Infinite 2.0, 8' arm

Design Software:

  • MasterCam X7 with Port Expert
  • Solidworks 2012
  • Camplete port
  • Verisurf X

Service Pricing:

Description Starting Price
Cylinder Touch Hone- No Plates $300.00
Cylinder Hone up to .010 - No Plates $425.00
Cylinder Hone up to .010- Plates $525.00
Cylinder Hone up to 0.10 Piston fit-PLATES includes measuring pistons & setting clearance  $625.00
Cylinder Boring up to .030  $280.00
Cylinder Boring up to .060 $400.00
Deck Block-CleanUp Deck $250.00
Deck Block- Every additional .010 $75.00
Cylinder Bore, Hone, Deck Special - up to .030-Plates-Cleanup Deck $950.00
Block Deburr- Major surfaces and edges, oil passages, bottoms & tops of bores $300.00
Block Deburr- Full Race Prep $500.00
Align Hone 2 Bolt Block- Nominal Spec, cut caps $250.00
Align Hone 4 Bolt Block- Nominal Spec, cut caps $275.00
Align Hone Crossbolted Block- (MOD, LS, FE) Nominal Spec, cut caps $400.00
Block Sleeving- Call For Quote Call
Deck Bracing- Call for quote Ecoboost 4 & 6 cyl  Call 
Removal and Installation Of Cam Bearings  $160.00
Hot Pressure Wash Block- (Bare Block, as received)  $130.00
Burn and Blast Iron Block $275.00
Block Blueprinting- (Measure bores, main bores, deck height) $225.00

Description Starting Price
Pin Fit Pistons- up to .002 $150.00
Rod Bearing Clearances- (Measure crank, install bearings in rods & measure $275.00
Main Bearing Clearances- (Measure crank, install Main bearings & measure $275.00
Blueprint Rod & Main Clearances $450.00
Crank Balancing (Internal)-includes weighing components                                   Starting at $250.00
Crank Balancing (External)-includes weighing components                                   Starting at $300.00
Crank Polishing- Clean crankshaft $150.00
Rotating Assembly Cleaning- with other services performed $150.00

Description Starting Price
Teardown, Clean, Inspect $200-$300
Disassemble heads and hot tank wash $150-$250
Media blast cleaning carbon- chambers and ports $150-$250
Valve Job- 2V V8 Standard recondition  $350.00
Valve Job- 3V & 4V V8 Standard recondition  $500.00
Valve Job High Performance Call   
Recondition Valves- clean and touch grind 2V V8 $125.00
Recondition Valves- clean and touch grind 3V & 4V V8 $175.00
Valve seat port blending- 2V V8 $200.00
Valve seat port blending- 3V & 4V V8 $300.00
Deck surfacing- up to .010 Aluminum, up to .005 Iron $200.00
Deck surfacing- additional .010 Aluminum, .005 Iron $75.00
Head cleaning- Wash Livernois machined heads $75.00
Clean & assemble heads- Wash heads set installed heights pushrod V8 $350.00
Clean & assemble heads- Wash heads set installed heights overhead cam V8 $450.00
Chamber Voluming- clean assembled head 1 chamber $60.00
Flow Testing- Clean head 1 cylinder int. & exh. Port $250.00
Custom Porting Call
Vapor Blast Cleaning- appearance blasting outside of castings pushrod V8 $250.00
Vapor Blast Cleaning- appearance blasting outside of castings overhead cam V8 $400.00
Recondition Special- (teardown inspect, VJ, blending, Recon valves, deck, clean & assemble $1,200.00
Damage Repair Services Available- teardown and inspect required for quote Call

Description Starting Price
Blocks, Heads, Intake Manifolds, Other aluminum componenets $100.00/hr
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